Editing Receipt Text
There are four receipts you can edit in the Form Editor:
- Thank You Settings: After a transaction has been processed, this is the screen that is shown to the payer, confirming that the transaction was successful and displaying a receipt.
- Initial Email Receipt: After a transaction has been processed, this is the email receipt that is sent to the payer (and any client users that have requested to be sent a copy). This receipt is sent for one-time transactions and the first transaction processed of a recurring transaction.
- Sold Out Text: If the form is in Sold Out mode, this is the text that will be displayed in place of the form.
- Recurring Receipt: This is the email receipt that is sent every time a follow-on recurring transaction is processed.
- Failed Recurring Receipt: This is the email notification that is sent when a follow-on recurring transaction fails.
To Edit Receipt Text:
- 1
- Log in to the client manager. Under "Forms" in the main menu, click Forms Summary and find the form you wish to edit.
- 2
- Click the 'View and Edit Details' icon to the left of the Form Name, and click OK to lock the form.
- 3
Click on the Receipts option on the left.
- 4
Click the receipt you wish to edit, and type your changes into the text box editor. Click 'Apply Changes and Preview' to preview the changes on the right side of the screen.
(Only the Thank You Settings and the Sold Out Text will show a preview on the right.)
- 5
- Scroll Up and click Save All Changes.