User Permission Definitions
When Editing a Client Manager user, the permissions interface is displayed at the bottom of their profile page, and will update in real time as the editor makes changes by checking/unchecking permissions boxes. The definitions for each of these permissions is as follows:
Account Permissions
Permissions on this tab allow access to managing items related to the client account. All these permissions are located under the 'Organization' menu item except the 'Request New Forms' permission, which is located under the 'Forms menu item.
Manage Account Settings: Edit the settings for your client's account: email “from” and “reply to” addresses, default merchant accounts, default card statement descriptor, and permission for payers to edit recurring transactions from their Payer Management portal.
Manage Sub Clients: Edit sub client settings and data visibility in reports.
Manage Users: Create new users, assign user permissions, manage users' roles and active status.
Manage Campaigns: Create new campaigns.
View Logs: View the change log for your organization to see what changes were made, when they were made, and by whom.
Request New Forms: Fill out details and submit a request to have Acceptiva build you a new form.
Manage Expiring Card Email: Edit the email notification that is sent to payers with recurring transactions using cards that are about to expire.
Financial Permissions
Permissions on this tab relate to billing and settlement reports, merchant accounts, and bank accounts.
Manage Financial Reporting: Ability to assign users to access settlement reports/emails and billing statements, as well as assign merchant and bank accounts to sub clients when applicable.
Billing: A table listing each of the organization's bank accounts allows the editor to assign the accounts for which the user being edited should view billing reports and receive billing statement emails. If none are selected, the Billing Statement report links in the main menu will be grayed out for that user.
Settlements: A table listing each of the organization's merchant accounts allows the editor to assign the accounts for which the user being edited should view settlement reports and receive settlement emails. If none are selected, the Settlement Statement report links in the main menu will be grayed out for that user.
Form Permissions
Permissions on this tab determine what abilities the user has access to for each form.
Form Specific Permissions
Select a form from the drop down list to edit the form permissions for the selected form.
Edit Form: Without this permission, the edit icon that opens the Acceptiva Form Editor will not be displayed for the form in the 'Forms Summary.'
View Transactions: View transactions for this form in transaction reporting.
Edit Transactions: Without this permission, the edit icon will not be displayed for this form's transactions in transaction reporting. Allows editing of transaction details for one time and recurring transactions.
Void & Refund: Displays the void or refund buttons on the details modal for transactions processed on this form. Without this permissions, the buttons will not be displayed.
Virtual Terminal: Use the virtual terminal to process transactions on this form. If the permission is not assigned, the form will not be available from the Virtual Terminal drop down list. If no form is assigned this permission, the Virtual Terminal link will be grayed out.
Sent Emails: View/Edit/Resend sent receipts from the 'Sent Emails' area (located under the 'Organization' main menu item) for the form.
Receive Email Receipts - Initial: Receive a client copy of the email receipt sent for one time transactions and/or the initial receipt for the first of a recurring transaction.
Receive Email Receipts - Recurring: Receive recurring summary emails for the selected form.
See All Form Permissions
The 'See all form permissions' link will open a modal containing a table of the user's permissions for all the client's forms. This can be useful if the editor needs to make changes to multiple forms for the user, rather than one form at a time.
Default Form Permissions
Default form permissions are applied to every new form created, including new forms created through duplication and forms built by Acceptiva admin.
Edit the user's default permissions, which will be applied to forms created in the future, by checking/unchecking the permissions check boxes. Note that a default permission for receiving copies of initial email receipts cannot be applied, since the permission has to be applied per individual receipt once the form is created.
There are two lists of forms below the default forms permissions: forms with which the user already has associated permissions and forms with which the user has no associated permissions. If you wish to update the user's permissions for forms they already have access to to match their default permissions or to apply the default permissions to forms they do not currently have access to, select the desired forms from each respective list and click 'Apply' for each list.
API Permissions
This tab relates to permissions that can be assigned to users of clients with an API key, and will not be displayed if the client does not have a key.
- View API Transactions: View API transactions in the transaction and recurring transaction reporting. These will be hidden from reporting without this permission.
- Edit API Transactions: Edit API Transaction details. The edit button will be hidden without this permission.
- Void & Refund API Transactions: The void and refund buttons will not be displayed on the transaction's details modal. if this permission is not assigned.
- API Virtual Terminal: Create new API transactions via the Virtual Terminal. The API option will be greyed out if this permission is not assigned.
- Sub ID Labels: Edit the name of a Sub ID category to be more human readable, rather than “Sub IDX”.
- Lightbox: Edit your lightbox's CSS, logo, and whether it uses captcha.
- API Settings: Determine the default receipts to be sent for API transactions without an email receipt specified.
- Manage API Receipts: Create and edit email receipts sent for API transactions. Expand this permission block to access the interface where you can assign which API email receipts the user should be copied on.
- Receive API Campaign Recurring Summaries: Select which campaigns for which the user should receive campaign recurring summaries