Forgot Password

If you forget your password to the Acceptiva Client Manager, you can reset it using "Forgot Password."

To use Forgot Password for the Acceptiva Client Manager:

  • Click "Forgot Password" at the bottom of the login window
  • Enter the email associated with your Acceptiva Client Manager Account and click "Send Reset Instructions." If the email address you entered exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link in email within a few minutes. If not, no email will be sent, and you should attempt to send the reset instructions to a different email that is the correct credential for your login.
  • Check you inbox for a message with the Subject "Acceptiva Account Password Reset."  Click the link in the email.
  • Enter a new password, and then enter the new password into the second field to confirm, and click "Set Password."
  • You can now login using your login credentials with the new password you just created.